Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Living without TV...

Since we shifted to our new home we didn't open our TV. So I haven't watched TV for around 3 or 4 months( except for the time when I watched it at other peoples houses). So my point is that people think that they can't live without certain things like TV, a PC or a mobile and I think that they are bull shitting!
For me it has been quite peaceful. I mean that TV wastes a lot of our time. So I have adopted reading which is a much better & pleasurable activity. Although I still count my self in the those people who are slaves to technology and who would consider there lives more painful without the use electronic gadgets( but livable).
Anyway I do like TV if the above script sugests that I am anti-TV. TV has its advantage because of the vast amount of information you can get on it. All the latest news from around the world and you know a lot of different things.
Who cares people can watch what ever they want but my point here was that we can live without TV if not without the internet!



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